Last of December Snapshots: all things decked in tinsel, good cheer and Christmas

 Its the 6th of january and i finally, finally feel well enough to leave home and face the world. 2016 greeted me with the nastiest bout of food poisoning (ugh 3am toilet runs) but im positive that at least, things can only go uphill from here. Im guessing it'll also probably be some time before i stop giving sashimi the stink eye.
The familiar cycle of school has started yet again for smu kids, laced with last minute meet ups with old groups and old friends who couldnt quite find the time during winter break. As for me, i still feel my soul triasping through the empty streets of 2015, the year that passed all too quickly. It was a fully memorable year, marked by wonderful and extraordinary moments, meeting vivid and kind persons, and topped off with necessary splotches of tears and misgivings. 
Dear 2015: we fought, tumbled, danced, found love, lazed afternoons away and well, had an altogether great time. Pangs of nostalgia is what most would call this, but i largely prefer calling it thanksgiving. Diadactic, i know, but lets thank God for all His guidance and patience, and for blessing us with yet another year of grace. And for the individuals whose gentle touch and constancy made 2015 unforgettable; you know who you are, and i love you. X

Lunch with Daryl at Dolce Tokyo; shan't rest till i recreate their zucchini and baby aubergine pasta 

Playing with mirrors during family christmas dinner

all litt up(;

family portraits, wishing you a very merry christmas!

spoiling them with gifts

candids are the best

seasons greetings from the girls

the most beautiful rose 

ewf with marshal

they ran out of ha cheong kai burgers):

ni hao

aunt shamelessly mixing occasions


while the girls watch frozen bc christmas

carissa: whats going on

carissa: seriously guys just watch the movie

carissa: you weirdos.


merry christmas at Nic's with the breakfast club

with my one and only huiting(: the person who let my indecision drag her twice around vivocity haha oh dear

lunch with xinyi and the best yongtaufoo EVER @ i12 katong

fencing exco dinner, because a team that cooks together stays together

the divine chirashi-don, shishamo and edamame lunch that i had with mum 

which also ended up giving me the worst food poisoning ever in my LIFE

still. Thanks for everything and everyone, 2015(:


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