hello 2017

Resolutions are a silly thing. I mean, potentially life-changing statements that you make every 365 days? Sounds like futility calling... I don't think new year resolutions actually stick around for a whole year but let's appreciate the effort we all put into them for that first 1 week or so(:

This year i hope to..

1. surround myself with positive people. No person is positive 100% of the time, and a girl on her mood swings is just the 180 degree opposite (guilty!). Still, i believe that everyone chooses their friends and shouldn't you want to choose those who build you up, egg you on and genuinely care for you? The answer is yes! 

2. Be healthier. Physiotherapy + eating more proteins + working out. I mean, this is on EVERYONE's resolution list right? Okay next.

3. Read more. I read about 60 books last year although some were re-reads. The best ones were The Final Battle by CS Lewis, A Phone Call from Heaven by Mitch Albom, A Little Princess by Frans Hodgson Burnett and several more that i'm too tired to recall now. I was so disappointed by 1Q84 by Murakami and Bossypants by Tina Fey, though that's another story. I'm currently in the middle of #Girlboss by Sophia Amoruso and it's really entertaining(: yes, you should read it too.

4. Be a frugal TIME spender. It's a really bad habit of mine- i open my laptop with the intention to write a new article, or embark on some mini project, or do some readings. But the first thing i do is to log onto Facebook and spend 20 minutes mindlessly scrolling, and hop to Youtube next exploring my subscription feed and all its "Related Videos". Well played, Google(; Anyway, half of an unfulfilled day flies by and i haven't read any articles, done any readings or completed any mini projects. NOT frugal time spending, which i hope to change.

5. Gain new experiences and skills. This photo was taken in Hoi An, Vietnam. It's a tourist town with lovely foliage and flowers spilling out of ceramic pots amidst canary yellow shophouses and a wide sky of blue. My OCSP and i had the best R&R day there and i only wish i could go back to it. I'm going to try to weave as many new experiences and skills into the following year as possible, and see what i end up with on 31/12/17 (:

Once again, a stab of familiar cynicism and doubt about these resolutions.
Beam me up Scotty.



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