Shower Thoughts

I remember attending Night Fest with Zhanteng (or was it Nic??) a year or two ago, and there was a really cool exhibition called Showerthoughts going on. Basically, for whatever reason, the artist understood that showering was the best time for self reflection - and so the entire exhibit was based on that. And that came to mind as I reflected on the week that has just passed and came to the conclusion that:

This week has been the toughest week I've ever, ever had to go through. Everything fell apart around me one by one like a stack of condemning dominos and it threw my emotions and health into turmoil. Family, work, relationship, a missing pet hamster.. Looking back at it now, I'd say it was nothing short of chaos and disaster. Cue background screaming.

And for the record, we found Bibble at the balcony thank God.

Monday though, was awesome. And although I spent the rest of the week compensating in terms of utter misery (and lots of "OMG this is NOT happening" going through my mind), it was pretty fun. Jiayi and I were shooting a video and since it was her birthday, the 4 of us (Hui Min and Siew Yin included) had a little photoshoot as well. Guess you could call it a work perk?


So shocked that I actually really liked this cake - i thought the cake would be too sweet (:

Shooting new LinkedIn photos

And one with June just because (:


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