Hanjuku Eggs

Let me tell you what joy tastes like - a $2.50 packet of Hanjuku Eggs from your neighbourhood 7-11. I AM AWARE to some people (ahem wei heng) $2.50 for two eggs may be seen as 'pricey' but c'mon, you can't put a price on 24 hour convenience for silky, gooey-cantered ramen eggs. Okay. It is probably obvious what my favourite find of the month is. Hanjuku eggs, and taobao (You can find ANYTHING there!!!).

I digress as usual. Anyway, Summer's been pretty awesome so far aside from my current state - battling a stomach flu and a cold grr. My internship has been challenging but fulfilling, and my first ever trip to Bangkok has been made! With Zhanteng and two of our friends no less.

I'm actually writing this post while making pasta in a cup. As you can tell, I've got food on my mind. I've been having porridge and soup for the past week so I deserve this cheesy mushroomy tomatoey goodness!!

Nic's spontaneous visit at circular road aka opposite the office

This was a maple banana crepe. Not bad(:

My Elf!! Now endearingly called Elfie hehe can't believe you're leaving next week ):

Had lunch with Lemuel here too. I can't remember the name of this dish but it tasted exactly like thosai.

Happy elves on a hot afternoon(:

HR Picture day - putting up the backdrop balloons and etc. was greatly helped by Siew Yin, Hui Min and of course Kenneth. Thanks guys (:

Really good expensive hawker food.

Our choice for Friday dinner three weeks ago

Yay(: Home is in your arms hehe

Supply and Demand at Esplanade where we got drinks and soaked in the beautiful ambience.

Sunset and the Sounds of Ben. This band is awesome - the best I've heard in a very long time.

BBQ with the MG - where we defrosted frozen wings in a microwave and I marinated meat for the first time.

Bibble <3 p="">

Hi cutiepie! He's such a clean freak (he literally sweeps the empty sunflower shells to a small corner by himself everyday) and I find it soo adorable.

JB trip with Miki and Nic(: I was too tired on this one to properly enjoy it. On a side note, I think denim shirts suit zhanteng extremely well(:

Didn't eat at this cafe): The wait was 3 hours.

Bought some really sour drinks at this cafe. 

The place was extremely aesthetic though

Sleepover at Zac's. His dog is so lovable, I can't wait to have my own one day (hopefully!)

Picture with the best friend Shinyi. We literally boarded the cab in the clothes we slept in haha.

My pride and joy! OCBC Rebels collateral and branding which took weeks and weeks and weeks to complete.

First airplane flight together((((:

First time riding in a tuktuk and I LOVE IT. I can't quite express why I have such a profound love for tuktuks actually. It's something so novel - like an amusement ride which I know might not be around in the future. 

I found myself new shades

Zhanteng found us coconut ice cream haha

Sherman and ShuYing! This trip was extremely wonderful with them(:

The real Pad Thai

All smiles(: Just looking at this picture makes me miss the trip too much..

So this happened..

Woohoo one for the girls

Really great memories ((:<3 p="">

My first and potentially last massage experience. I really dislike other people touching me and it's way too ticklish or painful for me to relax at all.

Happy zhanteng with his happy food. He's always finding local food to try and for the record, this chocolate banana condensed milk prata was AMAZING. Just one of the things i really love about him(:

Second tuktuk ride(:

I was extremely happy. Singapore should make motorised trishaws a form of transport too.

Pure happiness

At the hyped Roast Cafe

Absolutely beautiful menu (which I brought home - I asked and they said okay!)

I read a few pages of this book and I loved it. Gonna hunt it down in the libraries.

Us in our pink puff shirts HAHA oh dear what has become of us zhanteng

Thug pusheen

Baking and Movie at Balkis' house

Recreating our favourite cartoon haha

Love love love!

This sounds completely cheesy but I love rainbows.

Smile! Cant wait to start yet another school term with you guys.

Ballet with Beli. Lessons are getting harder but we will hang. in. there!!


update: my experimental cheesy pasta sauce was a complete flop. I tried eating it but it tasted so bad that i just gave up. maybe ill just stick to hanjuku eggs in the future..


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