Late Nights with my Lady Love

When i told my brother i was going to Orchard to paint he raised an eyebrow and asked 'is this an april's fools prank?'.
No, tiny brother, its actually legit.

Ashmita (i call her Mishka) and i went to Mandarin Gallery last night to paint for a crazy 4 hours. There's a boutique cafe there called Arteastiq which holds these sessions and its really chill, though it may be a tad expensive for those of you on normal budgets. Definitely take advantage of Wednesday's ladies night where the cost is only $38 for three hours.

We were provided with easels, a whole set of paintbrushes, aprons, palettes and a psychedelic array of acrylic paints, along with tons of reference books for inspiration.
Personally, i feel like you should at least have some art background because you won't want to spend that much painting with all these great equipment only to dislike your final piece. 

Funny how we hated each other at first, but ironically that seems to be how most of my friendships come along.
Late nights with my lady love. I heart you A. 

333A Orchard Road
Mandarin Gallery
Singapore 2388867

students: $28 without drink
adults: $48 with drink


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