chicken soup for the dejected soul

Dear friend.
You might be feeling like the world has turned its back against you, and that you'll probably never see sunlight again. Bad days, as they are called. We all have them. Truthfully, there is not one thing you can do to change what has already taken place; be it because your sibling rubbed you the wrong way, or because you experienced an unfortunate series of events that left you vulgarizing. It's part of life; unpleasant, and unavoidable.

I'm simply going to remind you that you have absolutely every right to be moody, or devastated, or downright furious. In fact, i think its beneficial to let these feelings escape. Its kind of like letting smoke out from the chimney instead of letting it shroud your abode with its scent. Just remember, dear friend, that this is temporal. Bad days suck so much. We've all been there. Thing is, they never last. There is always a better tomorrow, something gold to look forward to. Someone who you can rely on for comfort and another who can make you laugh. Shit happens, but we move on. Remember that one time in the long and distant past where you had a terrible day? Yeah, i don't either.

"..weeping may stay for the night, but a shout of joy comes in the morning."
Stay gold.


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