Home Run

Waking up at 5am last night after ending work at 12 midnight was atrociously cruel. On 4 hours of sleep, i made my way down to facilitate the 2015 June SC camp with my alumnis, and i don't have an ounce of regret. What i love about council is that batches graduating 6 years ago, right down to the most recent graduates, are able to get together and organise a fantastic camp for our juniors; its like a legacy. It was a lot of fun. 

My dear European Town (yes, the game was split into European Town, Kampong Glam, Little India and China Town) who clinched first place; we are so proud of you guys. With my lovely co-facils Priya (as always!!), Leon and Fauzi.

Beware the endless barrage of photos

...because meet ups are so rare to come by. Today was an absolute home run. The cliches almost always ring true i guess; once a councillor, always a councillor. I know my place and I'm so thankful and joyful to have met everyone. 

"In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God." Thessalonians 5:18


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