SEA Games x Adobe Lightroom

OK. Everyone knows I'm not the biggest sportsperson around. In fact, i champion Fat Amy's horizontal running (ha ha ha.). But when your friends were from Volleyball, or have been the Captain of Netball, you inadvertently get invited to watching matches with them. Or in this case, the 2015 SEA games Netball Finals. Its all a little tragic, honestly.
Not that i regretted it; in fact i LOVED it. The whole area was brimming with pumping energy, and team Malaysia put up such a good game. It was the first time i felt so nervous about the scoreboard as a spectator, even though i hardly knew what was going on.

Me: "Is that a foul?
        "Why can't that player enter the semi-circle?"
        "What's the umpire saying??"
HuiTing: *mutters a somewhat comprehensible answer, eyes fixed on the game"

Singapore's 46-43 victory was hard earned and undoubtedly well deserved; and i can't believe i got to witness our nation's first ever gold for netball. Not to mention the fact that PM Mr Lee Hsien Loong and President Mr Tony Tan emerged from whatever VIP seats they were smuggled in and took a Selfie with the team. Everyone laughed and cheered, obviously.

Below: Vanessa, Huiting, Yingyi and I.

I'll also like to mention that I've recently acquired Adobe Lightroom; the powerful king of all photo editing softwares. VSCO was boring me recently; their filters tend to be a tad too heavy for my taste. With Lightroom, everything becomes customisable. Its as if you're retaking the same photo, except a million times better. It took me some time to learn how to use it though, with especially fancy terms like 'radial' or what it means to 'develop/catalogue'. The photos in this post are taken by my Oppo R5's smartphone camera, which isn't as spectacular as the iPhone's, but i believe Lightroom made all the difference. Check it out yourself in the last photo. The before and after are eons apart. 

I think i'll end this post here and get some lunch. I'm starving.


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