Incredible things pt2/ VainGloriousYou's Flagship Launch of Essence

I did not realise that i accidentally posted this blogpost the past week, which is why there were no words in this post for the past 7 days. Anyway as the wise old men say, better late than never, right?

University life so far has been a whirlwind; the days are passing faster than i can count, there are unfamiliar faces everywhere you turn and new experiences gained every moment (i actually did some fencing. yes, i did. stop laughing guys). I love it though. Mum was right to say that its so different from JC or secondary school.

This post is about the flagship launch by VainGloriousYou on their newest launch; Essence. This was my first time being invited to such a pretty event (thanks times a thousand LydXX) together with the loveliest girls. Roxanne, Hope, Vanessa and Lyd; i know you guys are much older than i am but the fact that we can relate on so many levels is amazing. Lydia especially, for being the most supportive ray of constant sunshine in church and in everything else. Words cannot describe so these will do: I'm so, so glad i met you.

The Dessert Party's catering of the tiniest cupcakes, daintiest cake pops and most flavourful bite-size pies were such a treat. This, in addition to the smattering amount of roses pinned onto the wall as that day's photo booth perfected the already perfect store of clothes. Dear petites of Singapore; VGY has begun stocking UK4 / XXS sizes for almost all their garments in this collection so cheers to not getting engulfed by garments any longer!

Meeting the wonderfully talented Tricia and Eve, the brains (and beauty) behind VGY, for the second time was one of the highlights of the day. Its not everyday that a designer gets to confide her thought process behind all her designs to you; her inspirations and the emotions running through her lifeform, finally culminating in the pieces you can now view here
Do pop by their store at Haji Lane to try out the pieces and experience VGY for yourself.

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. Philippians 4:6.


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