Tiaras at the Theatre/ Sleeping Beauty on Ice

I have a self-professed love for the theatre: it's a magical place where drama takes centre stage, tears are shed and the prince battles the dragon for the lovely maiden. It has been an unfortunately long time since i've attended a play; the last being Billy Elliot at London's West End which was simply.. well. Nothing short of spectacular.

Halfway through stuDYING for midterms Matilde and i decided to book tickets for Sleeping Beauty on Ice by the Imperial Ice Stars. She deserves some sort of an introduction on this humble page because she's a new face. Matilde is my exquisite Italian friend on exchange in Singapore from my marketing class. She is also a fabulous jet setter and a professional ice skater.

Oh. She also picked up the chopsticks in a week and reserved our table with a packet of tissue paper. I couldn't be prouder!

Having italian with an Italian(;

Well the play was lovely as expected: jaunty tunes, humorous actors and a set so lovely; my mouth fell open at the woodlands scene where the rose brambles and mossy green leaves adorned the stage. It was my first experience watching a silent production where there was no dialogue. I'll be honest; it was a little odd at first but it meant that all the attention were on the spins, flips, twirls and dancing of the ice skaters. Which, I'm sure, was the entire point of having a production on ice in the first place(:

On the whole, four thumbs up and a reminder to bring your own mineral water- unless you prefer to pay $3 for a bottle of mineral water like we did!



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