February: long live ♢ chinese new year, pizza marathons & waikiki

I am beginning to see the futility of trying to update this white space other than the once-a-month stab at a post filled with many photos and little words. Yes, this is indeed that once-a-month stab at a post filled with many photos and little words haha. Today is sunday and sundays mean church, cell lunch, a lazy afternoon spent being the ace procrastinator that i am, followed by the best dinner of the week with family. Sunday fundays. Im smiling as im typing this because my tiny cousin just asked "what is a smurf" and I'm trying my best to describe the magical little blue creatures that live in the woodlands. I love you Ruth and Hannah and this is my promise to you that ill play uno with you after i finish typing this entry.

Chinese new year this Feburary was pretty cool and like all my cnys i ate my weight in food and goodies and entertained all my relative's comments about how i grew taller. Seriously, it never gets old(:

Long live the walls we crashed through. 
Cheers to an amazing march everyone X

i have banned myself from buying anymore white clothes. repeat: i will not buy anymore white clothes.

happy chinese new year from mum

favourite bite of the month: crepes at Marche! 

holla you(: thanks for the late night dinner after your presentation

first time trying the oddest combination of pizza: olives ricotta and rosemary.
the verdict: it tastes way better than it sounds(;

Something about the clinking of glasses, the scent of roasting meat, warm yellow lighting and dim chatter makes me want to stay here forever and ever

fencing clinic! thanks for coming Vanessa hehe glad you had fun(:

true talent hehe look at her fly

zhanteng and johnson working it on the piste

first patron's day

can't wait to attend his concert for reals in june

best act of the night: the sam willows

you know you've picked the right school when you only have to cross the road from school to get a waffle fix
The Daily Scoop: 10/10 would recommend(:

trying out muji's baking kits for the first time

do these look like mini chocolate doughnuts? 

kirin wasn't that great but my company was(:

i had no idea timbre at the substation was that near to school.
what i realised this month is that we have REAL food options around school besides koufu

mid-sentence candids

cheeseburger steak and seafood halves win in life

happy mum at Artichoke Cafe

dear NUS Fencing Challenge you were long awaited by all of us

so glad to call them friends and to call Fencing my cca

crazy proud of how far you got Asel!

Cherish showing us how to drink water the right way

ill spend the rest of uni fighting dragons with you guys(:

we've been friends for 8 years and we've got matching key necklaces to prove it so now its OFFICIAL (missing huiting and yingyi who were travelling to NUS)

Waikiki 2016 with the excos woohoo

bright day brighter smiles and a potential colgate advertisement

jon's shorts made this photo look so put together hahaha

With the old pal Mr im-from-law with a 4.0 gpa. Single, vietnamese and ready to mingle, ladies.

after beach handball and softball photo credits to Cory!

the best pizza and beer (nelson something?) at Supply and Demand that made hell week part one totally worth it

shag faces after conquering the fort canning run and PT

What'll i do without you girls



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