High Tide x Week 11

There are not enough adjectives on earth to describe this week, but its Friday and i finally settled on one: over. Right now I'm experiencing transitory bliss before i take a head dive into a pile of work which insidiously accumulated throughout week 11. Oh week 11.

Current status: munching on mini Javacakes from M&S while watching The Intern (2015) starring Anne Hathaway

I honestly think Jules Ostin may be my spirit animal. She is exactly me when i get so caught up on work, flaws and all. Flaws being.. really cranky. Note to self: work on that, especially with finals coming.
Photo featuring my gorgeous Sasha; who especially came down to support my ocsp booth, 
and to Chloe and Ivan and ZhanTeng and Yanlun and Shinyi and Brian and Cassie and Balkis and Tim and Vicks and Mich and Vernice among the names currently swimming around in my head. 
Thank you, it meant so much to me.


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