Marching On // the month of March in pictures

My friend Timothy gave me the sweetest encouragement today: "show them the strength of being tiny." It was so funny and personalized in a way that i completely burst out laughing.
Its about.. four weeks to summer, but im pretty sure everyone is fixated on finals. Cue melodramatic music and flashing lights. 
"What was March all about?" You may ask. Well it was the month where i worked and played the hardest. It was also the month where i watched Inside Out and cried puddles of tears because it was that good. No seriously, watch it. Its concept is genius. Or maybe i have a thing about kid shows, which brings me back to Tim's comment about being smaller than most human beings.. hmmm.
Study smart everyone, till we meet again in the summer!

 Strike one off from our bucket lists!(:

 Est 2012. Always bursting into a fit of giggles with this one hehe

 Its been eight years and we still celebrate our friendship

 The only way we know how: korean food at Bibigo

 First time trying a pretty tasty korean pancake

Charming our way out of Godiva

 Look how far we have come. This was practically secondary school where i still had my specs

Speaking of great friends, happy belated birthday balkis! You're the sweetest and i hope youll be around for a loong time

Supporting Casmines OCSP cupcake drive featuring the earl grey lavendar cupcake ($3.50/ea look how much we love you) hehe

 And they supported mine of course. Thanks girls(:

With ChinChin!! So glad to have met this wonderful guy(;

 Our sentosa group in beach wear with our mini sentosa island. Probably the only time in SMU where we can wear singlets, slippers and shades for a presentation

The most demanding project i have ever done so far: LTB under Rani tan= 3CUs, everyone. You've been warned!

 Marina Barrage with the churchies! The kids were so cute. Conserving water is important, little ones(;

 Baking in the sun with Xinmum and Pam

I miss going out with Lyd so much. Cant wait for summer(: hi amanda!

With my favourite human being and main squeeze at ilight and earthhour's benefit concert

Save the polarbears!

 I love the hats soo much. It should be socially accepted to wear them everyday haha

 On the green field under the night sky

 His favourite exhibit

 Boo. Hehe

The sweetest Sash. She has the best fashion sense in anyone ive ever met

 Econs project done with Cholesterol, Ivansokoo, Woshigary and Nanjagger. #buildingfriendships

Shot by Alexus who photoshopped himself into the photo haha

 Business Law with Brandon, vernice and weiyang you guys are the best. Im really going to miss Prof Shenoy)`:

What Sunday dinners look like when mum takes over the kitchen

 He's always buried in work but the time we have together is always magical(:

Caderas Latinas Concert at Scape. You danced so well(:

 Featuring tdang christy and nengfang who are the nicest people ever

 The dance floor at social



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