
Here i am, floating by as the summer passes. Slowly, inevitably, tryingly. My patience with myself (my knee) wears thin at times, and my mind frustrates at not being able to leave home still. I've become so bitter about how i perceive my summer to be a wasted one. And yet, i lie when i say that because it has brought small bursts of joy too. 
Having no choice but to exploit my 5 room flat's versatility at entertainment, i've cooked lots, painted more, and rekindled the piano from its corner. Reading and writing has also become second nature, and i've recognised the wonders of online shopping, obviously. Bibble is also enjoying the assiduous attention.
There have been kind wishes, friends who call, closer ones who visit and i am so grateful  for all of you. And most of all Zhanteng. I hope you come across this on one of your random visits here so that i can tell you how bright you make my life. You are the most unconventional boyfriend, i think. I've not received more than a handful of flowers or gifts from you, and you don't speak the language of romance anymore than i can write Chinese. But, i'm learning to love the way you love me. If i could hold you to a fault it would be being too unselfish. You have the best intentions and sometimes it takes a while  for me to see it, and we get into a quarrel. You know, the one we just had this morning. And i know i've gotten somewhere in a relationship where i can openly admit that i have my faults in us too. But sporadic rainy days are so necessary for us to appreciate the sunbeams, are they not? You love with a patient heart and a honest, passionate soul, one that has enough maturity underneath your lively demeanour to withstand the ages of time. And i love that. And i love you.
Because of you i do not sink or swim, but float. I float knowing that your past relationships have taught you many things, and that you have enough confidence for the both of us. I float on the fact that we are two imperfect peoples, and consequently the realisation that no relationship could ever be perfectly perfect. Ands that's okay. I float on all the joy and love that you've generously showered me in, and how happy i was the day we met your parents for dinner. I can't wait to see you after you get back from camp. Till then. X


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