
Your loosely tousled hair matches your
almond shaped eyes
soft lips
pale face
empowering frame
and big comforting hands.

I would tell them all about
the sound your hands orchestrate when you rub them together.

The scent of the cotton fabric that caresses your body,
how your eyelashes flutter at the passing aroma of food and

most importantly..

The way you make me feel,
like a child standing in a majestic candy shop.

I would describe that
dancing sparkle
in your eyes,

how your words spring by and
hit the glass ever so gently.

Pitter patter. Pitter patter.

How your words make me feel safe,
like staying indoors
on a cold rainy day.

Raindrops splashing and
beating against the window.

Racing and colliding into each other,
blurring out the world and leaving the both of us.

I feel reckless.
I feel small.

Never felt like this before.

- Audrey L.


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