playing around with a toy camera

Some days you wanna throw a brick in the face of anyone who comes remotely close to irritating you. Some days are great and you have lots of things to eat and lovely lovely company. These batch of photos were from the latter. 

The tech geek in me would like to tell you that these photos weren't really taken by a toy camera but edited using google Nik, which is free and supported on both mac and windows. It's a great plug-in to lightroom or photoshop. Brb, going to continue with my fiddling! xx

geek in the pink

a strawberry breezer

#mood every time marshal speaks (jk)


"becca just remind us, how tall are you again?"

entire afternoon thinking to myself: i want his specs

cupcake 1 and cupcake 2

media tasting at the line @ shangri-la (keeping in mind for future wedding venue)

who gets a headache after a singapore sling? i do.

thanks Shangri-la for hosting us! @discoversg
"our kids are gonna be so short next time"
"better make them all girls then"

my signal fire



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