Looking for the silver lining

Red; the colour of Starbuck's strawberry jelly yogurt frap that i had on Thursday
Orange; the warning colour that tells you to stop the car
Yellow; the colour of my bedsheets, a sight missed so often
Green; excel sheets, a never ending array of columns and rows
Indigo; the t-shirt worn by the person whose smile i've waited 8 months to see again
Blue; the sky. viewed from the still interior of a library
Violet; the colour my hairstylist wore when he took 4 inches off my hair

7 colours of the rainbow and 7 thoughts about the week that went by.
Im already feeling the stress from taking extremely intensive mods this semester (someone save me), but after 1 mudpie, a cup of froyo and a reassuring hugs, I'm ready to embark on the coming week.

Silver linings?
I'm too practical to be extremely hopeful- or extremely pessimistic.

& Zhanteng, thank you for being such a support to me and challenging me to do things i've never dreamt of. I know you'd move the earth to be there when i need you, and i am undeservingly grateful.

"everyone you meet has a part to play in your story. And while some may take a chapter, others a paragraph, and most will be no more than scribbled notes in the margins, someday, you'll meet someone who will become so integral to your life, you'll put their name in the title." -BT

Best read this week:


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