we're on the right side of rock bottom

Time never feels tangible; February and March flew by as fast as anything and believe it or not- the semester ends in one month! I've also realised that i'm probably the only Singaporean who is overjoyed about the sun shining again, while everyone is muttering about the heat. Once you've experienced the roaring Vietnam sun, Singapore's weather is nothing, guys(;

I'm also so thankful and blessed. God's Love for me these two months is indescribable. He's answered two huge prayers for this year and it's amazing how He works. In short, I got my internship and a scholarship, a week apart from each other. It's just incredible, really. I feel like I'm floating.

Thankfulness is what these two months are about. May you have sunny skies ahead. X

"B i have 3 presentations 3 case summaries and 2 reports due next week"

HCM presentation- check! 1 down and 2 more to conquer.

Probably the most enjoyable project I've ever done so far in SMU(: 

Zhanteng's Salsa performance *melts into a puddle*

Wonderful as always 

I've forgotten all my salsa ): Maybe except the basic step hehe.



Missing Jiehui who had to work. He looks so much like his parents hehe

Completely flipped out when i saw this. I don't know what it is about Tsums but they are the cutest thing to me.

Kat and her boyfriend's wedding at church(:

Blessed Marriage you two(:

Spontaneous trip to IKEA with Nic

Congratulations on your ORD best friend(:

Our favourite fish- salmon. Baked, Lagsan-ified, Smoked, Sautéed, everything!

Somewhat awkward selfie

"Eh Bex you need to eat more right??"
*proceeds to order 40 chicken meatballs, 6 chicken wings, 1 salmon dish and 1 smoked salmon salad*
(we were so stuffed from this lunch that both of us went without dinner)

Is there NO application in the App Market that can create half decent GIFs? >: 

Brad's Hall Play at NAFA theatre- so good to see everyone again

Vuong what the heck are you doing

Unintentionally coordinated with the guys

Aneri Poofy and the smiles that follow

The best friend in Drama who's always there for me

Emix Production- look how far our friendship's come, Ryan hahaha


All the best sweetie this sem is hard but you can do it!



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