
And even though that night it was you who lost two of your loved ones
it was me who was sobbing on the cab all the way home
your hands covered mine with the feeling of warm constancy
as i cradled my head on your shoulder

And there amidst the familiar singles of the spice girls and christina perri on the car radio
small sniffles and strong words of comfort were exchanged
the coloured night lights in the car window leaked into each other
as the friendly taxi driver pretended not to hear

And i wondered about the promises they made to their loved ones in marriage - 'till death do us part'
and how those vows were held to completion that day and yet it was not to be celebrated
when i finally turned to face you - you with those eyes of devotion and compassion looking at me all this while
as my heart grieved i knew that the home-bound taxi could stop anywhere it liked and i would
already be at my destination because i was with you.


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